Arts Night Out: Saturday, December 10th 2021

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Neville Crabbe has lived in Northampton, Massachusetts for almost 20 years, having been born and brought up in England by an Irish mother and an English father. He has been an enthusiastic amateur photographer since high school. He has been fortunate to travel extensively for both business and pleasure, and this has given him the opportunity to photograph a wide variety of landscapes and other subjects on four continents.

Neville is a mechanical engineer by training and spent his career in manufacturing industry. Retiring from the corporate world in 2016 gave him more time to focus on his photography. While he sees beauty in many things, Neville is especially inspired by the extraordinary light during the “golden hours” around sunrise and sunset, as well as landscapes and wildlife, especially birds.  

Neville uses Fuji cameras and lenses, due to his love of the traditional controls paired with the flexibility provided by the complex menus which have become the norm for digital cameras. Combining his manufacturing experience with metals and his artistic tendencies, he has had many of his favorite images printed onto aluminum sheets. This gives richness and depth to the colors in an image, and is suitable for display without the addition of a frame.

Several of the images at this show were captured in Connemara, County Galway in Ireland where he has been a regular visitor since childhood and is enchanted by the scenery. Other images were taken in Derbyshire (England), South Carolina and Georgia.